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We warmly welcome you to the website of the Bad-Hotel Bad Überkingen, your 4-star hotel on the Swabian Albtrauf.
In the middle of the tranquil town of Bad Überkingen, at home in one of the most impressive, historic half-timbered houses in the area, we can be active as hosts of our region.
As a host family, we have been working on our infrastructure and services for generations, so that these are always within an appealing and contemporary level.
We are there every day with enthusiasm, whether for you as an overnight guest, as a conference organizer or as part of your family celebration.
Our house invites you to enjoy, plan and celebrate. Cared for friendship cares of a team that guest and values your guest
We are glad to welcome you.
Your family
Zumbühl-Tromsdorf and the team
of the Bad-Hotel

Welcome To The Bad-Hotel Bad Überkingen
Your place for meetings and celebrations
on the edge of the Swabian Alb

Discover us
Relax | Celebrate | Get-together
A family business for years
... because we can only move forward together.
Beatrix Zumbühl
Organizational power & the all-rounder of our house ... your hostess.
Jörg Tromsdorf
Our passionate cook & hunter ... your host.
Connoisseurs with enthusiasm - he provides culinary delights.
The all-rounder in the team - with diligence and commitment in and around our hotel.
Our youngster - ready for anything and organized in catering.
He has our fleet under control and loves good food.
Marilyn & Alessandro
The hosts of the next generation.
You - your wedding and everything else planner ...
nd Alessandro - the & with the passion for wine and champagne.
and of course our beloved four-legged friends Dagobert & Henk , who mix it up a lot.

Before 14 The first owners of the baths in Überkingen with various buildings were the Counts of Helfenstein.
In the 14th century Überkingen came under the rule of the free imperial city of Ulm, to which the village belonged until 1802, through pledging from the possession of the Counts of Helfenstein
1506 The bath house is leased to Wolf Beinhart von Überkingen for life
1550 Since the middle of the 16th century, the use of the bath has been recommended by Ulmese doctors
Distinguished guests have their coats of arms put up in the church or in the inn. Some of these are still preserved today
1580 Überkingen is named "un bain fameux" after Montaigne
1587 The old bath house is demolished
1588 - 1589 The council of Ulm gives the order to build a new bath house, containing 6 rooms with chambers, 2 rooms in the attic, a remise and the baths: the bath for common people, a men´s and a women´s bath for the noble guests. As the crowning glory, the building is given a small turret with a bell and weather vane. The following inscription is on the bell:
"Wolfgang Neidhart cast me in Ulm 1587". The weather vane also contains the year 1587
1601 The old outbuildings are demolished and the current small building is built.
1618 - 1648 The bath survived the 30 Years War tolerably. The Badwirth Tunk is fried over a fire by the imperial family
From 1648 to 1700 the parish registers of Bad Überkingen contain names of more than 500 spa guests as sponsors and sponsors
1672 By this year, the Bad-Hotel had essentially received its present external appearance. The mineral water was poured into clay jugs in a cellar room in the northeast part of the building
1718 A drinking hall is built, under which the guests can drink whenever it is raining
1724 The Ulm merchant Johann Abb Cramer has an avenue of lime trees laid out on the bathing meadow
1732 construction of a covered passage to the drinking house (source)
1781 Johannes Krähmer from Ulm takes over the lease of the Bad-Hotel
1794 A common dining room is built, at its entrance there is an offering box with the inscription: Whoever drinks here, commemorate the poor, have mercy on their misery
1802 After the dissolution of the Ulm rule, Überkingen becomes Bavarian for 8 years
1810 Überkingen comes to Württemberg. The “stately bathroom” with lots of accessories for movables and real estate is being sold to the previous leaseholder Krähmer for 9500 fl.
The bath buildings are expanded and embellished. Around 40 guests can be accommodated. The property remained in this family until 1864.
1864 - 1896 The bath house changes hands frequently
1896 Kommerzienrat Karl Hägele from Geislingen bought the bath. The former Bad-Hostel is being converted into a Bad-Hotel. The restaurant with Ulmer Stube is being built in the former coach house
1897 The Dianabad, a Greek-style bath house is built
1902 The so-called Wasserschlössle is built as a branch of the Bad Hotel. At the same time, the mineral water bottling plant will be relocated from the Bad-Hotel to the Wasserschlössle. At the same time, the spa facilities will be rebuilt and expanded
1906 Foundation of Bad-und Mineralbrunnen GmbH
1914 - 1918 The Bad-Hotel remains closed during the First World War
1918 The entire property is sold to the Württ. Gastwirtte cooperative and in 1927 it is transferred to the Württemberg Land Association. Mineralbrunnen AG Bad Überkingen was granted a right of repurchase.
1934 Transfer of the bath hotel to the welfare association of the members of the Württ.-Hohenz. Catering Association. This prevented expropriation by the German labor front.
1941 -1945 The Bad-Hotel is used as a hospital
1945 - 1946 The bath hotel is occupied by the American occupation forces and opened again in 1946 on the initiative of director Josef Neidhart.
On June 15, 1947, the Bad-Hotel was reopened
1951 Foundation of a state vocational school for the hotel and catering trade in Bad Überkingen. The Bad-Hotel was both a school and boarding school.
1980 Mineralbrunnen AG bought back the Bad-Hotel.
1980 Total renovation under the direction of Otto Neidhart.
2014 sale to IQ4YOU GmbH
2016 transfer to Softdrinx GmbH
2017 Sale to Jörg Tromsdorf, the Bad-Hotel is family-run